
EdgeKit.js is a toolkit that helps you build Edge-first applications on top of Cloudflare Workers. It provides a set of tools to help you build your application on the edge.

  • Global Environment Access: Access to global environment variables.
  • Key-Value Store: Store data in a key-value store.
  • Server-side Cache with TTL: Cache data on the server with a time-to-live.
  • File Storage: Store files on the edge.
  • Database: Access to a database.
  • AI Services: Access to AI services.
  • Background Jobs: Run background jobs.
  • Scheduled Tasks: Schedule tasks to run at a specific time.
  • Browser Rendering: Render content on the edge.
  • Rate Limiting: Limit the number of requests to your application.
  • And more things!

To install EdgeKit.js, run the following command:

bun install edgekitjs

This will install EdgeKit.js in your project.

Next, you need to bootstrap EdgeKit.js in your Cloudflare Worker script. To do this, add the following code to your worker.js file:

import { bootstrap } from "edgekitjs";

export default bootstrap({
onRequest(request) {
// Write your application here
return new Response("Hello, World!", {
headers: {
"content-type": "text/plain",

To create a new Edge-first app using EdgeKit.js, run the following command:

npx degit edgefirst-dev/starter my-app

This will give you a new Cloudflare Worker project with EdgeKit.js already set up and React Router v7.

Once the application has been created, you can start it locally by running the following command:

cd example-app
bun install
bun run dev

To configure EdgeKit.js, you need to create a .dev.vars file in the root of your project. Here is an example configuration:





This configuration file will be used to set up the necessary environment variables for your application.