The FormParser is a specialized parser designed to safely extract and validate values from a FormData object. It provides methods to retrieve form fields in a type-safe manner, ensuring that required fields are present and properly typed.

This parser is particularly useful when handling form submissions, such as in a Remix action, where structured validation of form data is necessary.

FormParser wraps the FormData object and provides methods to:

  • Check for the presence of form fields (has).
  • Retrieve values as strings, files, booleans, or arrays of these types.
  • Ensure that required fields are present, throwing errors if they are missing or of the wrong type.

The parser uses custom error types (MissingKeyError, InvalidTypeError, InvalidInstanceOfError) to simplify debugging and enforce validation rules.

  • Methods like string, file, and boolean validate and return the form data in the correct type.
  • For multiple values (e.g., checkboxes or multi-select fields), stringArray and fileArray can be used to retrieve arrays of values.
  • Booleans are specifically treated such that a field with the value "on" is considered true, and all others are false.
let formParser = new FormParser(formData);
// Retrieves the "username" field as a string.
// Returns true if "subscribe" is "on" (checkbox checked).
// Retrieves the "avatar" field as a File object.
// Retrieves multiple "hobbies" values as strings.

Hierarchy (View Summary)



value: FormData


  • Returns true if the value of the specified field is "on", otherwise false.


    • key: string

      The name of the form field.

    Returns boolean

    A boolean representation of the form field value.

  • Retrieves the value of the specified form field as a File object.


    • key: string

      The name of the form field.

    Returns File

    The File object associated with the key.

    If the key is missing from the form data.

    If the value is not a File object.

  • Retrieves all File objects associated with the specified form field as an array.


    • key: string

      The name of the form field.

    Returns File[]

    An array of File objects associated with the key.

  • Retrieves the value of the specified form field.


    • key: string

      The name of the form field.

    Returns unknown

    The value associated with the key, or throws if it doesn't exist.

    If the key is missing from the form data.

  • Retrieves all values associated with the specified form field as an array.


    • key: string

      The name of the form field.

    Returns FormDataEntryValue[]

    An array of values associated with the key.

    If the key is missing from the form data.

  • Checks if the given key exists in the FormData.


    • key: string

      The name of the form field.

    Returns boolean

    true if the key exists, otherwise false.

  • Retrieves the value of the specified form field as a number.


    • key: string

      The name of the form field.

    Returns number

    The number value associated with the key.

    If the key is missing from the form data.

    If the value is not a valid number.

    If the value cannot be coerced to a number.

  • Sets the value of a form field.

    If the key already exists, the value is replaced with the new value.


    • key: string

      The name of the form field.

    • value: string | File | Blob

      A string, Blob, or File to set as the value for the key.

    Returns void

    parser.set("username", "johndoe");
  • Retrieves the value of the specified form field as a string.


    • key: string

      The name of the form field.

    Returns string

    The string value associated with the key.

    If the key is missing from the form data.

    If the value is not a string.

  • Retrieves all string values associated with the specified form field as an array.


    • key: string

      The name of the form field.

    Returns string[]

    An array of string values associated with the key.